Slocan Valley Chamber of Commerce
The Slocan Valley Chamber of Commerce offers its members a listing in the Members’ Directory on this website, free rack space at the New Denver Visitor Centre, and an opportunity to provide a benefits plan to their employees at a reasonable price through the Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance employees benefits plan.
The Chamber hosts events and takes on projects that support the business community, contribute to resident attraction and retention, and contribute to the economic sustainability of the Slocan Valley.
Community Futures Central Kootenay assists people in the Central Kootenay region to start, expand or buy a business. The organization offers self-employment grants, business loans, counseling, and training. The main office is in Nelson and an outreach office for the north Slocan Valley is located in Nakusp.
The Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) was created to support efforts to create social, economic and environmental well-being in the Canadian portion of the Columbia River Basin, as a way to compensate for the Columbia River Treaty dams. CBT offers the following programs to support businesses.
Basin Business Advisors Program provides one-on-one, confidential business counseling services to established businesses in the Columbia Basin. Most services are free.
Summer Works Program provides Basin small business employers and organizations with a wage subsidy to hire students during the summer.
School Works Program provides Basin small business employers and organizations with a wage subsidy to hire students during the school year.
KAST is a non-profit, technology-focused economic development organization.​
The West Kootenay Boundary Community Investment Co-op (WKB Investment Co-op) is a member-owned association that allows its members to invest in local businesses with the purpose of promoting economic, social, environmental and community impacts.
The Slocan Valley Economic Development Commission facilitates economic growth and initiatives in the Slocan Valley.